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Lawn Care in Punta Gorda
Finding a lawn care company near you with comprehensive treatments that actually work can be difficult. With Tony’s Pest Control, you can rest easy knowing that our services are effective, eco-friendly, and will be sure to give you your most beautiful landscape yet. When you choose us for lawn care services in Punta Gorda, you can expect our thorough four-tier approach to keep your yard looking its best year-round. This includes:
- Lawn Fertilizer
- Insect control
- Weed control
- Disease control
Experienced Technicians and Safe Treatments
As a locally owned and operated lawn care company we understand that our neighbors expect the highest quality of service. Many of our technicians have been with us for over 10 years so they have an intimate understanding of the specific needs of Punta Gorda lawns. Using family-friendly, environmentally safe products allows us to give you the peace of mind of knowing that your loved ones will be safe and your lawn healthy and protected. Our team is committed to providing excellent treatments with our lawn care services in Punta Gorda.
Our Pest Control Services in Punta Gorda
Your Local Office

Lawn Pest Control in Punta Gorda

Your lawn will not only be facing threats of drought and disease but pests as well. Living in such a warm, temperate climate makes it an absolute haven for all kinds of pests which can cause great damage to your lawn. Plus, with weeds and grubs being found in ever-growing numbers it makes sense to combine pest control with lawn care. Our technicians are able to handle all of the common, and uncommon, pests you may encounter in Punta Gorda, such as:
- Chinch bugs
- Fleas
- Mole Crickets
- Moles
- Ticks
- Spiders
- Grubs
- Fire ants
- Aphids
- Many more!
Depending on the lawn service you choose you can receive complete protection from all of these pests and more, leaving your lawn looking happier and healthier than ever.
Comprehensive Lawn Protection

With all of the different potential pests affecting your lawn, there is not a one size fits all solution. Any store-bought or DIY products claiming to offer as such will not provide maximum efficiency for your specific problem. Partnering with our team allows us to use our wealth of experience to provide effective, targeted treatments to make sure your issue is dealt with in the most efficient manner possible. Not only will we deal with the pests, but as part of our lawn care pest protection you will receive:
- A thorough lawn inspection to determine the extent, if any, of your pest infestation.
- Eco-friendly treatments to remove the pests and prevent any recurrences.
- Fertilizer blends to promote fast grass growth and healthy roots.
- Repeat treatments if needed for extended lawn protection.
Tree and Shrub Care in Punta Gorda

Mature, healthy ornamentals can make your yard stand out and provide the individual flair that all homeowners want. Caring for them, however, is a significant undertaking that most of us simply don’t have time for. Your showpiece plants are more vulnerable to pests, diseases, and a wide variety of other challenges that only get worse in Florida’s warm, humid climate. That’s why you need our tree and shrub care in Punta Gorda. Keep your ornamentals healthy, vibrant, and looking their best all year with help from our local experts. Sign up for our service today and you’ll receive:
- Specialized palm tree care.
- Protection from destructive pests.
- Seasonally-adjusted fertilizer treatments.
- Whitefly extermination and sooty mold removal.
- Customizable plans and services to maximize your results every time.
- And much, much more!
Effective Lawn Care Services in Punta Gorda
When properly cared for, your grass can be more than just a yard, but rather a centerpiece for your home. Whether you’re concerned about your palm trees, citrus trees, exotic flowers, cacti, or anything in between you should feel secure that our lawn care technicians have the knowledge and ability to keep them happy and healthy.